von Hans R. Kranz, BACnet Gebäudeautomation
Verlag: cci Dialog; Auflage: 3., Dritte vollständig überarbeitete
Language: German | ISBN: 978-3-922420-53-8
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BACnet, the manufacturer-neutral, interoperable building automation protocol has become an indispensable facility in the building industry. The main interests of the building owner, such as investment protection and energy efficiency, are in the focus. The world standard for GA, DIN EN ISO 16484, contains the data communication protocol BACnet(R) as part 5.
Since the 2nd edition of the title "BACnet Building Automation 1.4" in 2006, BACnet has developed considerably further. It now includes the integration of lighting control, hazard detection technology, access control, load control and the preparation of smart grid / smart metering.
The book describes "BACnet 2011" (Version 1, Revision 12) with BACnet/IP, Web Services, ZigBee (wireless) and Network Security in an understandable way. It points out:
- what BACnet is and can do
- what building automation with BACnet is used for
- how it is (correctly) used
- its interaction with LON, KNX/EIB and the Internet
- how BACnet is described in a tender
- where are the limits?
- how open "open interoperable GA systems" can really be
The book builds on the basics of the technical book "Balow, Systeme der Gebäudeautomation" (cci Dialog GmbH) and introduces the secrets of communication and network technology.