Case Studies

Cornell University – Duffield Hall

Ithaca, NY, Vereinigte Staaten
Cornell University – Duffield Hall Cornell University – Duffield Hall Cornell University – Duffield Hall Cornell University – Duffield Hall

Duffield Hall is the home of the Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF), a national user facility that supports a broad range of nanoscale science and technology projects by providing state-of-the-art resources coupled with expert staff support. Research at CNF encompasses physical sciences, engineering, and life sciences, and has a strong inter-disciplinary emphasis. Over 700 users per year (50% of whom come from outside Cornell) use the fabrication, synthesis, computation, characterization, and integration resources of CNF to build structures, devices, and systems from atomic to complex length-scales.

Special Features

Duffield Hall was the first large-scale BACnet project at Cornell.

Products/Equipment Installed

5 x ME-LGR25
2 x ME-LGR200
1 x ME-LGR1000
1 x UNI-16
5 x UNI-32
43 x S6104
1 x M4106
2 x ZN551
1 x M880nx

Systems IntegratedHVAC, Fume Hood
Number of Devices61
System Points332
Engineering FirmZimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects LLP
System IntegratorLogical Control Solutions, Cornell
Mechanical ContractorTougher Industries, Postler & Jaekle
Controls ContractorLogical Control Solutions