Case Studies

The Salvation Army Western Territory Headquarters

Long Beach, California, United States, Vereinigte Staaten
Completed: Fall 2012
The Salvation Army Western Territory Headquarters

The customer wanted enhanced visibility of their control systems, to monitor and react to real time conditions. IAS proposed to replace the legacy supervisory controls with Delta ORCAview. The challenge was to keep the Johnson Supervisory Controllers operational in parallel with Delta Controls ORCAview. Because of the size and complexity of the project, the S4 Open: BACnet-N2 Router was the only viable option for integrating to the legacy Metasys system. The migration went smoothly and the
customer is very satisfied.

Number of Buildings1
Total Area22 stories
Special Features

IAS was Beta testing a new Delta Controls Controller at the same time they performed the integration. This is the most complex project at the time where the S4Open: BACnet-N2 Router was used.

Products/Equipment Installed

Delta Controls ORCAview
The S4 Open:BACnet-N2 Router

Systems IntegratedVAV
Number of Devices343 N2 devices
System Points16,797
Controls ContractorDelta Controls