Addenda are substantive changes and additions to the BACnet Standard. Addenda go through a rigorous process including technical review, public review, formal answers to comments, and formal committee voting before publication. Once published, addenda are officially part of the BACnet Standard even though they are not in the same document. Each revision of the BACnet Standard document incorporates addenda from the prior version.

Any addenda currently out for public review can be found here.

The experiences of users and implementers of BACnet have led to many constructive suggestions for improving the original standard, ANSI/ASHRAE 135-1995 and, more recently, its successors, ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2001, 135-2004, 135-2008, 135-2010, 135-2012 and 135-2016. The same can also be said about ANSI/ASHRAE 135.1-2003, the companion standard for BACnet conformance testing, and its subsequent updates in 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2019.

PDF copies of all Addenda, sorted by year, are available for download below. To comment on public review drafts during the listed comment period obtain the necessary forms and instructions on the ASHRAE Website.

Please note this Page was last updated on January 5, 2020 and is believed to be current as of that date.

Addenda Overview

ASHRAE 135.1 –The BACnet Companion Standard
