Case Studies

MaRS Phase II – Public Health Ontario

Toronto, ON, Canada
Commercial Office
MaRS Phase II – Public Health Ontario MaRS Phase II – Public Health Ontario

When Public Health Ontario (PHO) relocated its largest laboratory from Etobicoke to the MaRS Discovery District in downtown Toronto, Modern Niagara provided the fit-up of an integrated, state-of-the-art Building Controls for its certified laboratory space. The relocation was a key aspect of Ontario’s multi-year plan to renew the province’s public health system.

For the PHO fit-up, we:

  • Provided the system that controls the mechanical operations for all tenant spaces;
  • Designed and integrated mechanical and laboratory control systems into a single user interface; and Integrated with laboratory equipment and designed an interface
    to monitor it remotely.

Our portion of the project included developing a sophisticated yet easy-to-use interface for the laboratory’s end users that seamlessly integrates two large and typically independent technologies:

  • Distech Controls from Modern Niagara, providing for mechanical system control (supply airflow and thermal comfort)
  • Phoenix Controls from Belnor Engineering, providing for laboratory equipment control (exhaust airflow and lab containment)

Our control system design work included:

  • Designing the location of sensors and end-user devices, which include control units, displays, and touch panels;
  • Programming the sequencing of containment operations to occur in the case of failure;
  • Managing the installation process along with the unique challenges associated with building a high performance laboratory;
  • Assisting with the design of a safe and secure system that allows building staff to remotely access the system from anywhere over the internet;
  • Participating in the project’s unified, cloud-based training and documentation program; and
  • Modeling the CL laboratories in three dimensions to provide end users with an easy-to-understand, familiar interface through which they can quickly see the containment status of their facility.

MNBC created a system that was clear and easy to use, and the space successfully achieved the laboratory Containment Level certifications.

Number of Buildings1
Total Area780,000
Products/Equipment Installed

ECB-600 Controllers
ECB-400 Controllers
ECB-300 Controllers
ECB-VAV Controllers

Systems IntegratedHVAC, VAV, Laboratory
Number of Devices500
System Points5,000