Reliable Controls HQ Annex
Victoria, BC, Canada, Canada

The Reliable Controls® HQ Annex is a naturally ventilated LEED Platinum targeted facility, designed to operate using 50% less energy than the ASHRAE 90.1(1999) standard. LEED points were achieved in part through an extensive bioswale at the center of the structure’s stormwater management and soil erosion strategy. 99% of all construction waste was diverted from landfill or incinerators, and the building consumes 60% less potable water than a
baseline building.
The building is naturally ventilated by 57 trickle vents, which modulate and temper the natural flow of air into the building though a heating/cooling coil and damper. In winter, air is drawn from the building by an extraction fan with heat recovery. In summer and the shoulder seasons, a wind tower drives ventilation, using modulating dampers that open or close according to the wind direction and speed. When necessary, hot water or chilled water is generated by two air source heat pumps, and delivered to the trickle vents and radiant floor. Lighting consists of modulating fluorescent fixtures with wireless control and daylight harvesting, as well as LED lighting. BACnet integration of the HVAC, lighting, and security systems allows occupied comfort settings to be enabled on a per occupant basis, triggered by unique security cards. Individual control of temperature, light, blinds, and occupancy is provided via LAN or wireless access from any computer or mobile device.