RS Components
Corby, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
RS Components (operating as Allied Electronics in the US) World Head-quarters consists of a large office and warehouse complex serving nearly 3,000 staff. The complex is responsible for distributing more than 130,000 technical products, such as electronic parts.
Unique problems to solve: RS Components originally had different brands of control systems installed throughout the complex. High operating costs were being incurred because systems were outdated and were being operated independently since they could not “talk” to one another.
The replacement automation system had to be able to integrate the various facility services seamlessly to achieve full interoperability and provide single-seat operation under one source of management responsibility.
System solution: A BACnet® solution using Delta Controls merged effortlessly with the various BACnet-enabled mechanical plant and electrical equipment. A fiber optic network was used to interconnect Ethernet-based controllers installed throughout the facility. The project incorporated air handlers, boilers, chillers, VAVs, fan coil units, lighting controls, and a cogeneration plant. Easy-to-understand animated graphics provide various levels of systemwide access to the site from any location via Delta Controls’ powerful Internet-enabled operator interface.
Results: Ron Williams, Plant & Services Manager at RS Components, states that the new Delta Control installation takes the operational success of the RS complex to a higher level.