ANSI/ASHRAE 135 Addenda Available for Public Review

[Greensburg, PA] Coleman Brumley, Chair of SSPC 135, announced that five addenda to ANSI/ASHRAE 135 (aka “The BACnet standard”) are now available for Publication Public Review. All addenda are undergoing a 45-day Public Review period that runs from 15-Sep-2023 to 30-Oct-2023.

The five addenda currently available for public review are:

  • Addendum 135-2020ci: This addendum includes various changes to Clause 12, including Object and Error Code clarifications. This addendum also adds new time series exchange format BIBBs and relaxes the requirements for the DS-COV-A and DS-COVP-A BIBBs. This is the second Public Review Draft. 
  • Addendum 135-2020cn: Clarifications and corrections to Engineering Units. This is the second Public Review Draft. 
  • Addendum 135-2020co: Various changes to Event and Fault algorithms. This is the first Public Review Draft. 
  • Addendum 135-2020cp: This addendum adds support for Authentication and Authorization. This is the first Public Review Draft. 
  • Addendum 135-2020cq: This addendum introduces a new “short form” of various data types. This is the first Public Review Draft.

Public input and feedback on these addenda are crucial in ensuring that the BACnet standard remains relevant and effective in today’s rapidly evolving building automation landscape. ASHRAE encourages participation in the public review process and constructive comments are always welcome.

Detailed information on how to access and submit comments on these addenda can be found on the ASHRAE website at
