The IMB Institute in Bayreuth is the latest member of the BACnet Interest Group Europe (BIG-EU). It was admitted to the European BACnet association as a non-profit institution on February 1st, 2022, as it provides urgently needed professional education. The representative in the BIG-EU is Frank Speringer, who heads the building automation department at the IMB.
Among other things, the institute is countering the lack of qualified staff with the course “Specialist for building automation (HWK/IMB)”. This qualifies 100 experts annually to ensure successful building automation projects.
The development, Germany-wide establishment and implementation of further training courses is a central goal of the IMB Institute. It is also active in applying for and processing research and development projects. The focus is always on the transfer of know-how between science and practice. The benefit for course participants and customers arises from the concentrated knowledge from universities, regulations, associations and entrepreneurial practice.
All 122 members are listed on the BIG-EU website HERE